Purpose: To develop men of godly character by ministering to their specific needs.
Meeting Times:
1st Mondays @ 7 PM
Ministry Leaders:
Deacon Larry Lowe
Purpose: To develop women of godly character by ministering to their specific needs.
Meeting Times:
1st Mondays @ 7PM
Ministry Leaders:
DIT Sharea Woodley
Purpose: To develop children of godly character by presenting the word of God in a format that they can understand, as well as meeting the needs of their families.
Meeting Times:
2nd Sundays @ 11:00 AM
Ministry Leader:
Reverend Tenee` A.H. Jones
Purpose: To develop teens of godly character by presenting the word of God in a format that they can understand, as well as meeting the needs of their families.
Meeting Times:
2nd Sundays @ 11:00 AM
Ministry Leader:
Reverend Tenee` A. H. Jones
Purpose: To develop young adults of godly character by ministering to their specific needs.
Meeting Times:
Ministry Leaders:
Purpose: To minister to senior adults by providing them with spiritual, social, and cultural activities that allow them to enjoy their golden years
Meeting Times:
2nd Tuesday @ Noon
202-926-1095 Access code: 735132
Ministry Leader:
Sister Nora Wilkinson
Sunday School
Purpose: To transform members of all ages, into mature disciples by teaching them the word of God in small group classes.
Meeting Times:
Teachers Meeting | Tuesdays @ 7 PM
Hybrid Sunday School @ 9:30 AM
Ministry Leaders:
Sis. Linda Treadwell
Deaconess Zaundar Scott
Purpose: To deepen the faith of believers through an in-depth study and dialogue on relevant issues and doctrinal topics.
Meeting Times:
Wed. Noon & 7PM (In person)
Thursdays: (Virtual only)
Ministry Leader:
Pastor Shaun Ellison Jones
Purpose: To assimilate new converts and members into the Star Family, by equipping them with the tools to become active disciples of Christ and the Church.
Meeting Times:
Sundays @ 9:00 AM
Ministry Leaders:
Deacon Harold Brown &
Deaconess Kathie Thomas
Purpose: To equip children, teens, and adults to be disciples of Christ through discipleship classes and hands-on-activities.
Meeting Times:
Ministry Leader:
Leadership Huddle
Purpose: To develop and equip church members to serve as leaders within the church and community.
Meeting Times:
1st Saturdays
Ministry Leader:
Pastor Shaun Ellison Jones
Purpose: To support students and families in preparation for and during college. As well as raise funds to give scholarships to students to attend college.
Meeting Times:
2nd Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM
Ministry Leader:
Sis. Melissa Swinton-Ghafoor
Purpose: To provide the community with meals and food to feed their families.
Meeting Times:
Fridays: Noon - 1:30 PM
Ministry Leaders:
Sis. Debbie Cherry, Bro. Thurman Jordan
Purpose: To provide love and support to individuals in nursing homes, and youth in detention shelters.
Meeting Times:
Ministry Leader
Purpose: To assist and guide those recovering from any addictions.
Meeting Times:
Ministry Leader:
Purpose: To assist and provide children and teens in shelters with items for the holidays.
Meeting Times:
Ministry Leader:
Purpose: To partner with BOMA church to provide an overnight shelter for individuals who are in need.
Meeting Times:
Nov – Mar (8 PM – 7 AM)
Ministry Leader
Sis. Sharea Woodley
Purpose: To provide support through praying for the needs of disciples and the community at large.
Minister Leader:
Minister Patty Ortiz-Richards
Purpose: To create a hospitable and welcoming atmosphere for disciples and visitors to worship God and hear the preached word.
Meeting Times:
2nd Fridays at 6:30 PM
Ministry Leader:
Sis. Debbie Cherry
Sis. Judy Stokes
Purpose: To provide a multi-sensory experience for those who attend and view worship in person as well as spread the gospel using various media outlets.
Meeting Time:
Sundays @ 11 AM
Ministry Leader:
Deacon Gary White
Purpose: To lead the congregation in song and worship in order to prepare them for the preached word.
Male Chorus (Males only)
Fellowship Choir (18 on up)
Praise & Worship Team
Star Kids (1-13 yrs)
Voices of Praise (13-35 yrs)
Meeting Times:
Thursdays @ 7PM
Ministry Leader:
Pastor Randy Cannon (Musical Director)
Purpose: To provide members of all ages an opportunity to minister before the lord through dance.
Meeting Times:
Sundays after Worship
Ministry Leader:
Sis. Lisa Knowles-Berrocal
Sis. Linda Treadwell
Purpose: To fulfill their calling in ministry by assisting the Pastor when called upon.
Meeting Times:
4th Tuesdays @ 7:30 PM
Ministry Leader:
Pastor Shaun Ellison Jones
Purpose: To provide food and beverage at ministry activities including repasts.
Meeting Times:
Ministry Leader:
Sis. Helen Smith
Purpose: To assist the Pastor by visiting, praying and caring for the congregation via their Tribes.
Meeting Times:
3rd Mondays @ 7PM
Ministry Leader: Dea. Harold Borwn (Deacons)
Deac. Pheobe White (Deaconess)
Purpose: To inform the congregation of how to live a healthy lifestyle and serve as first responders in the case members take ill.
Meeting Times:
2nd Sundays at 12:30 PM
Ministry Leader:
Bro. Clayton Esters
Purpose: To provide additional support and help to the Pastor and first family.
Meeting Times:
3rd Sundays @ 1:00 PM
Ministry Leader:
Deaconess Joy Brown-Thomas
Purpose: To ensure that members and visitors are able to worship in a safe space.
Meeting Times:
Ministry Leader:
Sis. Lisa Smithwick
Purpose: To provide members and visitor with transportation to and from Worship, Study, and church activities.
Meeting Times:
Sundays (before & after worship)
Ministry Leader:
Dea. Alan Esters
Purpose: To work in conjunction with Pastor as stewards church’s property and finances.
Meeting Times:
4th Mondays @ 7:00 PM
Ministry Leader:
Bro. Thurman Jordan (Chairmen)
Sis. Tina Haskins (Treasure)